The Fight to End the Dog Meat Trade is Still On

There is no doubt that thousands of dogs are imprisoned in fear-filled cages across Asia. A family pet has been electrocuted, while another has been beaten unconscious with a metal pipe, then bled dead from a slashed throat or crotch wound. Street dogs are hung till their last breath departs their bodies. We often hear all these about this loyal animal in our day-to-day life.  Korean Dog Meat TradeRescues is in progress in the United States. 


Countless canines raised to be eaten live in fear in dog meat farms, lifeless places with no hope. However, if you or I approached them, they would almost certainly wag their tail. Instead, they watch as the dogs they've snuggled with for warmth are dumped into enormous drums of boiling water while still alive. The terrible cries of a cruel death fill the air, and they watch and listen. Their world is a living horror. This is the harsh reality and for this reason, the end the Dog Meat Trade is much needed.


Dogs for the meat trade are obtained in a variety of ways. Some are stolen from the streets or from families, while others are sold to meat sellers by their owners. The bulk is mass-produced on intensive farms. The dogs' transit provides no relief. They are unable to move because they are crammed into tiny cages, and many are sick or injured. Many dogs die from asphyxia, thirst, and heatstroke throughout their trek, which can last days. Those who survive are squeezed between the rotting remains of their friends until they reach a live meat market or slaughterhouse. The massacre of these lovely sentient beings is carried out with horrific cruelty, as it is completely unchecked.


No Dogs Left Behind is a group of committed animal rights activists that believe in a world that is cruelty-free. They collect donations and are putting efforts to save their life. Every dollar donated by you makes the life of dogs and save them from the brutal death and sufferings that each day the innocent animal is suffering. Come forward and extend your help and support to this loyal friend of yours. 

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