Know Different Dog’s Breeds Before You Adopt Them as a Friend

Many people's dreams of getting a dog have come true. This page tries to present the dog breeds most commonly found in China, as well as the numerous socio-cultural factors that influence these decisions. People and their best friends adopt a dog for different reasons. Many are aware of different breeds whereas some may not too. This is the best place to grab the information before you adopt them. 


Kinds of Dog’s Breed Mostly Adopted by People


1. German Shepherd


These dogs have a wolf-like look, are strong, loyal, and have noble personalities. German Shepherds were bred to herd sheep and protect flocks from predators, but they are much more than that. When you adopt a German Shepherd from China, you might be shocked to discover how sociable these dogs are. It is likely to be found following their owners on challenging adventures, learning tricks in obedience school, and playing in the family backyard, in addition to undertaking police work.


2. Labrador 


The most popular dog breed is the sweet-faced, lovable Labrador Retriever as they are friendly, outgoing, and high-spirited companions with plenty of love to give to a family looking for a medium-to-large dog. The head is broad, the eyes twinkle with kindness, and the strong, tapering 'otter tail' seems to convey the breed's intrinsic desire at all times. Labs are well-known for their friendliness that you will come to know when you adopt a Labrador from China. They are sociable housemates who bond with the entire family and socialize well with both dogs and humans in the neighborhood. This water-loving family dog is the most popular choice in the United States. 


3. Husky


Huskies are highly trainable bred in Siberia to tow sleds, but you'll commonly see them on the other end of a leash from their upper-class Chinese owners these days. Their thick hides make them well-suited to chilly climes, and their thick hides even reflect the sun in the summer, but they are sometimes too restless and lively to be pent up in small quarters. They are superb evaders who can leap over fences of more than two meters. You can adopt a Husky from China as they live for 12 to 14 years on average.


4. Malamute


The breed that belongs to the same genetic family as the Husky, is frequently misidentified as such. They are significantly larger than their more well-known cousins and were bred as sled dogs. They are self-sufficient and have a strong prey drive, which means they will chase birds, cats, rabbits, and even smaller dogs. Before you adopt a Malamute from China it is essential to know that this dog’s breed thrives in cooler areas and is ideal for outdoor dogs. They don't bark much, so the neighbor shouldn't be bothered.


Besides these breed, you can also adopt a Poodle from Asia as they too have a bright personality. 

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